We are moving a site from HTTP to HTTPS.
Apart from security one of the reasons we are doing it is so that we can get referrer info in google analytics. 1-2 years ago when many fewer sites where HTTPS we would get lots of referrer info in Google Analytics, but this has dropped off since more sites have moved to HTTPS.
Most of the referrer links form other sites still point to our domain: example.com (without www.
or http://
When our site switches to HTTPS will we get referrer info if the referrer HTTPS site links to example.com rather than https://example.com
If a user goes to example.com will we get the referrer info or will their journey essentially be HTTPS Referral site -> link -> HTTP example.com -> 301 -> HTTPS example.com
And if that where the case would the referrer be stripped ?
If that is the case is there some way without asking the referral site to update their link for me to capture the referral info.