I use WooCommerce on my WordPress site and I have just forced HTTPS redirect for the Checkout flow. However, when I do this, my custom CSS is blocked. I get:

Mixed Content: The page at https://www.example.co.uk/blog/product/myProduct/ was loaded over HTTPS, but requested an insecure stylesheet http://www.example.co.uk/blog/?sccss=1&ver=fe62ddea3ed1898e6866564ccdc86c01. This request has been blocked; the content must be served over HTTPS.

My custom CSS is produced by the simple custom CSS plugin.

How can I fix this / work around it?

1 Answer 1


your plugin seems to not recognize, that the whole site runs https.

about one hour ago new 3.3 version of your plugin was published - one of the announced news is the support of https. try to update.

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