Google Domains supports Dynamic DNS. That is great since my domain and Dynamic DNS information can come from the same provider.

For Dynamic DNS to work, I usually need the following info:

  • Update URL
  • Hostname
  • Username
  • Password

Of the four variables above, I know three. From Google, I can get Username and Password. I also know my server's hostname. However, I do not know the Update URL. In other words, I do not know to which Google server I should send the information to in order to update my IP Address.

Which Google Domains server should I notify about my IP Address change?

  • 1
    Checking the API here for Google Domains, it looks like: https://domains.google.com/nic/update. If you're not using a client to perform the update, then check the API docs on the format to make the request.
    – dan
    Commented Feb 2, 2015 at 2:01
  • @dan, Hi.. You gave me great starting point. From that one i could start experimenting. The real Update URL is: domains.google.com/nic/update?hostname=www.domainame.url. You you wish, you can retype this comment as answer and I will mark it as the accepted answer. Thank you very much. Commented Feb 3, 2015 at 18:11
  • 1
    No problem. Done, with more details to make it clearer for others too.
    – dan
    Commented Feb 4, 2015 at 1:09

1 Answer 1


According to the Dynamic DNS docs for Google Domains, under the section for their API (near the bottom), the base Update URL is:


The format for this URL to submit a POST request (GET is also allowed) for your Google domain is:

https://username:[email protected]/nic/update?hostname=subdomain.yourdomain.com&myip=

Where your hostname would equal your Google domain, including www or other subdomain you're redirecting, and myip equaling the IP address of where to update the redirection to.

For additional information, see Google Domains: Dynamic DNS

  • At the end, &myip= should be, and appears to be optional. If left out, the public IP that the server sees the request coming from should be used to update the dynamic DNS record. --- Just tested, appears to work just fine, same as the previous service I used which was also dyndns2 compatible. (That was dns.he.net if anyone feels like checking out another free bring-your-own-domain dns service.)
    – Nate
    Commented Nov 7, 2018 at 14:46

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