I have only one cron configured in cPanel for WHMCS to run once per day at 12.00 AM.
The cron sends daily activity logs to my email.
A problem came up recently in which cron job activity logs sent to me from that email [email protected]
which does not exist. Emails are coming from that address without replacing my actual domain name.
So I deleted the cron job, I created a new one with different timing 8.00 AM. The cron runs correctly at that time and I'm receiving logs from my valid email. However, I still get emails at 12.00 AM too, as If there is another cron job stuck at that time and the logs are coming from that invalid email address [email protected]
I looked into the cron configuration file and there were no duplicate entries for crons. I checked with WHMCS support and the software configuration is correct.
Have anyone had a problem like this before? Any suggestions please? Thank you.