Is there a mediawiki extension that can distinguish between page versions?
I would like to run mediawiki for 3 kinds of user-rights:
- editors (who can edit a page and see its latest version)
- gatekeepers (who can define which versions are public)
- readers (who see only the latest version of a page)
So e.g. a use case would be:
Precondition: Page1 has 3 versions: Version1, Version2, Version3 (Version3 is the most recent). Version1 has the attribute "public", but Version2 and Version3 do not.
Use Case 1. A reader requests Page1. The system shows Version1.
Use case 2. An editor requests Page1. The system shows Version3.
User case 3. A gatekeeper gives Version3 the "public" attribute. A reader requests Page1. The system shows Version3.