When viewing a topic on my blog it has a title like:
<title>Topic : CakePHP • Blog • driz - Cameron Drysdale</title>
Which produces:
Topic : CakePHP • Blog • driz - Cameron Drysdale
I use a bullet point to separate the sections of the site, so the topic, notebook, and the sitename, and then a colon to separate the topic itself from the topic prefix. You'll also notice that the sitename is split in two using a dash, as the sitename itself is driz, but it's a personal site so I have also included my name into the title.
Now the question is... how will my use of seperators affect SEO? I've followed the advice of making sure the most relevant part of the title is first e.g. the topic section (although perhaps the topic itself cakephp should be first?) but wondered if search engines like Google or Bing had preferences when it comes to dashes vs colons vs bullets...
Any advice? suggestions?
Some examples of other titles in the site:
A blog post called Animate Location hash:
Animate Location Hash • Blog • driz - Cameron Drysdale
The about me page:
About Cameron Drysdale • driz - Cameron Drysdale
Or does the separators not affect things at all?