I have been using Ask.com as one of the search engines to ping my sitemap. When I went to ping my sitemap today to have my sitemap re-indexed, the website (http://submissions.ask.com/ping) says it no longer exists? I did a DNS lookup on submissions.ask.com and it looks like Ask.com has removed the subdomain, but their Website Crawler FAQ still has it listed? Any ideas of whats happening?

2 Answers 2


We now utilize a crawling method of adding new content to our search index. The subdomain you refer to was just retired over the weekend, and we'll be updating that FAQ page very shortly.

Best regards, Eric from Ask.com

  • Thank you for this answer! I was wondering what happened to Ask.com's sitemap submission tool.
    – user16548
    Commented Jun 26, 2012 at 3:15
  • Any update on this ? is there a new url for sitemap ping ?
    – Francesco
    Commented Apr 5, 2013 at 8:07

Ask.com died as a search engine a long time ago. However, you can still submit a website's sitemap to it, if you wish. However, it will have to be done manually. If you'd like to submit your XML sitemap to Ask.com, simply type in the following in your browser's search bar: http://submissions.ask.com/ping?sitemap=http%3A//www.example.com/sitemap.xml, where example is your domain name.

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