I have a wiki set up on my local development environment. The wiki runs on Mediawiki 1.5.8, but I'm trying to upgrade it to run on Mediawiki 1.19.
When I run the update.php script I get the following error message:
Your system has a combination of PHP and libxml2 versions which is buggy
and can cause hidden data corruption in MediaWiki and other web apps.
Upgrade to PHP 5.2.9 or later and libxml2 2.7.3 or later!
ABORTING (see http://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=45996).
Running php -v gives a PHP version number of 5.2.9, and since this is the PHP install that is running the update.php script I'm guessing this isn't the problem.
I've got libxml2 insalled via MacPorts, and according to MacPorts version 2.7.8 is installed, which should be sufficiently up-to-date to get Mediawiki updating properly.
Any ideas as to how I can go about resolving this?