I want to add content from other blogs to my own (with the authors permission) to help build additional relevant content and support articles I've found useful that others have written.
I'm looking into how to do this responsibly - ie, by giving the original content author a boost and not competing against them for search traffic which should go to their site.
In order to keep my duplicate content out of search, and to hint to the search engines where the original content is to be found i've implemented:
<meta name='robots' content='noindex, follow'>
<link rel='canonical' href='http://www.originalblog.com/original-post.html' />
Additionally, to boost the original article and to let readers know where it came from i'll be adding something like this:
Article originally written by
<a href='http://www.authorswebsite.com'>Authors Name</a>
and reproduced with permission.<br/>
<a href='http://www.originalblog.com/original-post.html' target='new'>
Read the original article here.
All that remains is a way to 'officially' credit the original author in the HTML for the search spiders to see. Can anyone tell me a way to do this possibly using rel="author" (as far as I can see thats only good for my own original content), or perhaps it doesn't matter given that the reproduced pages will be kept out of search engines? Also, have I overlooked anything in the approach?