I want to display a pie chart of pageviews for my site, but there are a few outlier pages I do not want included.

Is there a way to exclude those sites from the pie chart?

2 Answers 2


You can use Advanced Segments to exclude that pages and put together that chart after applying that segment (which excludes those outlier) pages.

  • Ravi, please explain how this is done. Commented May 3, 2012 at 11:44

It is done as follows (this example is for excluding visits where "time on page" > 20 minutes, but you can change it to suit your needs):

  1. Near the top of any report, under report title, click "advanced segments"
  2. On the far right, click "+ New Custom Segment"
  3. Change "Include" to "Exclude"
  4. Click the green drop-down and change the value to "Time on Page"
  5. Leave "Greater Than" as-is
  6. Enter 1200 (seconds) for 20 miniutes
  7. Click "Save Segement"

That new segment is automatically applied to the report and graph.

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