Okay so, Google has this thing where when you search for a company it comes up with the result, a few categories from the result and then a link that reads, "More results from domain.com".
My domain is one.za.com, however, for me, that little "More results from" thing is showing only za.com, which is only partial. So now, when that link is clicked on, the SEO done on every page is overlooked and replaced by the search term.
If you consider the highlighted result in the snip above, you'll notice that despite the resulting page having a full meta title and description set in the backend, it's showing the search term instead.
This doesn't seem to happen for every page that's been SEO'd, and it seems to be random, i.e, when I try this again tomorrow, different results will show the incorrect title.
I know this happens because of the search terms, and the search term being za.com, so my question is, how do I change that "More results from domain" to be my full domain name, i.e one.za.com and not just za.com?
I've read some stuff and things and deduced that a robots file might be what's needed. Only, I'm not entirely certain what to put in this robots file to fix that "More results from domain" link to include my entire domain name.
My site is built in Wordpress using Yaost for the SEO.