I'll be more than happy if someone could give me any hint where I could be wrong. Some time ago the site of a client got a spammy microdata penalty. The situation was following - one local business markup sitewide and one product markup for each of the service pages with prices and ratings (real ratings, from trust pilot, displayed on the site). I got a hint that I was using the trust pilot ratings wrong, as the rating was for the business but I displayed it for the separate services.
So far so good, it made sense to display business ratings in business microdata. I removed completely the product one and migrated the ratings in Local Business (more specifically "HomeAndConstructionBusiness", as it's the best match for the site's business).
Again - the rating is a real one, I got it with Trust Pilot API call, no fake testimonials. The other info in the markup is as complete as it could be, following all guidelines that could be followed. Virtually the live microdata is copy-pasted from the Local Business examples (of course with the relevant information).
I sent a reconsideration request ~2 weeks ago and I just got my rejection for it, as it "doesn't follow the guidelines". I have no idea what to do, as it's just LocalBusiness microdata presented the same way it's presented in any example in schema.org and... well, in every site about that (not talking about my experience). Here is a link to the microdata in the rich snippet test tool pointed in the rejection as "violating" the rules.
EDIT: Here is the original note I got: A note from your reviewer:
Please see https://developers.google.com/search/docs/guides/intro-structured-data#structured-data-guidelines for information on structured data quality guidelines. For example, review and rating markup should be used to provide review and/or rating information about a specific item, not about a list of items. Here is an example that is not following the guidelines: {https://www.fantasticservices.com/professional-oven-and-bbq-cleaning/}
So, where is the violation of the guidelines?