Below is the graph for my website which has seen a significant decrease in the crawl rate(pages crawled per day)
Here is the graph for the time to download the page
I wanted to know the reason for this continuous decrease in crawl rate since September. There were around 30 server errors(HTTP Code 500) which were fixed by September end. 404 errors were around 350 and were all valid 404s. The website has around 0.2 million pages out which we selectively submit around 20K URLs via sitemap. I checked that server connectivity time was 100% since August. I checked for deployed changes to the website but none is pointing to this issue. I did do a URL restructuring in August start for which I ensured proper 301s and canonicals.(No crawl errors were reported for URL restructuring)
Any advise in which direction should I look is more than welcome. I am also experiencing a fall in the organic traffic.