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jcmaad's user avatar
  • Member for 5 years, 9 months
  • Last seen more than 1 year ago
Adding a subdirectory to a URL using .htaccess
excellent, thank you. is there a way to include a range where 1998 is located. Let's say from 1998 to 2005.
Adding a subdirectory to a URL using .htaccess
After reading up on 301 vs 302, I rather have 301 since the redirect is permanent. Do I amend your answer to RewriteRule ^(wis/9-3/1998/.*) /9400/$1 [R=301,L] ?
Adding a subdirectory to a URL using .htaccess
I tried out both of above solutions and it didn't work. Within my htaccess I have some default wordpress expressions and I start the file with RewriteEngine On
Rewritting .htaccess file to direct to files using a wildcard
Something I just realized that some images are inA12 format, and therefore folders will be in the same format. Basically, first three characters could be a mix of letters and digits. How can I adjust it?
Rewritting .htaccess file to direct to files using a wildcard
Thanks MrWhite. Its similar to other question, but I was afraid it might get flagged as separate question, so I created a new thread. I will test out your solution and report back/
When splitting a folder with tens of thousands of documents into several folders, how can I handle broken links?
Excellent, thank you very. One slight correction wild card is in the wrong spot *$i, should be $i*
When splitting a folder with tens of thousands of documents into several folders, how can I handle broken links?
@Stephen Ostermiller I tried running your one liner, but it doesn't create the folder or move them
When splitting a folder with tens of thousands of documents into several folders, how can I handle broken links?
Sorry to bring this up again, but there is something I missed. Based on the proposed solution /docs-0 folder must be under root folder. Can it modified to be /docs/docs-0
When splitting a folder with tens of thousands of documents into several folders, how can I handle broken links?
Got it! htaaccess expression had html expression, but my files are htm. I corrected and worked like a charm. Thank you very much for the help. In regards to the one liner above to move files into respective directions, which application do I use to execute it. I am on a shared host.