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Unanswered Questions

142 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Google Search console reports home page blocked by robots.txt and search results only show the domain name even though it isn't blocked

For the last few days I haven't seen the title and meta description in Google search results. When I inspected URL in search console, I got this error message: URL is on Google, but has issues. ...
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should I reindex the old domain after moving to a new domain

I performed a redirect 4 months ago and my rank is not coming back till now. old domain performance in the last 6 months New domain performance in the last 6 months Should I reindex the old domain ...
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Some links are indexable and some others are not when they are all created equal, why?

I'm trying to create a sitemap. I'm using the Screaming Frog software, but I think that this can be achieved in different ways with other software as well. My links are generated with different ...
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Invalid traffic coming from Sogou

I have not indexed my website in Sogou. I have only very less visitors. But i am getting traffic from Sogou daily. The search keyword is "site:mywebsitename" and is from China. Just visiting main page....
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Can I prevent loading some HTML body and head in PWA when javascript is enabled?

We have restricted resource and we can not use server side technology in our website.We are using PWA technology.What is our solution to pages indexed correctly in Google? Can we load some head tags ...
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Image still appears in google search results in spite it has been removed from original source

I have reported an image to google for removal under "remove outdated content" and in search console it says "This content is no longer live on the website", however the image still appears in google ...
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Declaring parts of page as multi-language friendly

The main parts of my site are multiple-language friendly since every user naturally selects pictures and thumbnails they want to see. The text (which to most guests is very unimportant) is english. ...

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