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Is disallowing all useragents sufficient to keep a site from being crawled by search engines?

We have a non-production version of our site that we want to prevent from being crawled. At some point in the past a non-production site was crawled and we still have search results pointing to it. I ...
Ian Pringle's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Will bots crawl my page generated by javascript

I use simple javascript to generate pages based on thousands of products stored in a JSON object. The page URLs will be like /productList?keyword=XXX&page=x. The keyowrd is what uses input through ...
Wen Shenk's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

Do SEO analysis bots have any advantage in terms of website traffic?

I have loads of traffic from SEO analysis bots (which are crawling for link analysis purpose only, rather than indexing for search engines) such as AhrefsBot/7.0; + SemrushBot/...
Googlebot's user avatar
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Can search engine fetch/index website that using ipv6 only?

I see some host providers offer cheap server but only support ipv6. I want to rent it, but I am still considering the SEO impact. Can google and other search engine crawl and index it? If yes, will it ...
Muhammad Dyas Yaskur's user avatar
6 votes
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How to keep crawler robots from indexing my page when there is a query string present in the URL?

I have a /products page. In that page, users may use filters to select the products they want to see. Those filters will work using query strings like: /products?brands=X,Y&size=1,2 and so on. I ...
cbdeveloper's user avatar
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Why would Google Search Console report many times more indexed URLs than a Screaming Frog crawl finds?

I've just crawled my website in Screaming Frog and I have around 6K Internal URLs and 4K external URLs. Then I looked in GSC and saw that Google indexed 50K pages. How is that possible?
SEO Newbie 18's user avatar
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In a sitemap, should I update the lastmod tag of a url based on the text content or html content? [duplicate]

Imagine I have this blogging / ecommerce website with 1000 posts / products. And I've built a sitemap for it, which is dynamically generated. Basically it's a list with a bunch of <url> and <...
cbdeveloper's user avatar
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Limit search engines to indexing just one domain when multiple domains share the same web server and document root

I have multiple domains listening on same ports and sharing same document root. This is a limitation of my hosting provider that lets me have multiple domains for my GSuite mail routing without using ...
codaamok's user avatar
-1 votes
3 answers

How to remove bulk urls from google index

I have URLs indexed by Google and I want to remove them from indexing. I found that I can use bulk remove option by providing a CSV file including all indexed URLs to Google Search Console. I have ...
bella's user avatar
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Do search engines crawl links with query strings?

If I were to have a url like, that contained several links to urls such as:
Timothy Fisher's user avatar
3 votes
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Is it good for SEO to change an article's slug when changing its title?

I have the following URL view:{slug}-{id} If I change the title of the article, then the slug will also change so that there is no disagreement. Please note that the article ...
Илья Зелень's user avatar
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How many levels of sub-pages do Google bots crawl to when fetching and indexing linked pages in Google Search Console?

Let's say I submit a sitemap page that contains all the links I want Google to crawl, but instead of submitting a sitemap, I fetch the page and linked pages and let Google index them. How many levels ...
Daniel Harris's user avatar
5 votes
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Can Angular project be indexed in Google without Angular Universal?

I'm working on an Ionic PWAprogressive web app (PWA) and forthere are reasons iI cannot use Angular Universal. Is there any way to index with success inget Google to successfully index the site ...
Becario Senior's user avatar
6 votes
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Delivering a different version of website to Google robots (SSR)

I am working on an enterprise website project as an SEO manager. They were using Angular.js by now but I made them switch to SSR (server-side rendering) since Google robots were not able to render the ...
Shayan Davoodi's user avatar
-1 votes
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Maximum time to cache HTTPS URL after HTTP to HTTPS migration?

We have migrated our site from HTTP to HTTPS. How much time will the Google crawler take to cache all our HTTPS pages. We have more than 50K pages in our website.
Rahul Tiwari's user avatar
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How to prevent CDN content URLs being indexed by Google [duplicate]

Well, robots.txt prevent crawling and meta robots tag in HTML (or) X-Robots-Tag HTTP header prevents indexing (and other functionalities available too). So, even when a URL is disallowed in robots....
verstappen_doodle's user avatar
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Re-Indexing Home Page - HTML/DOM Change

(Site on WordPress) Currently, our company homepage is using images instead of divs to display our main products/solutions. As the SEO, I wanted to remove these images (which consist of mostly text) ...
James Randolph's user avatar
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Should article preview pages be crawled and indexed by search engines?

I have a page called "all articles" that loads previews of articles using AJAX. Because of that, the content won't be visible to search engines, so the page would be considered "poor content". Since ...
ZeSoft's user avatar
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Which one is more SEO friendly Dynamic pages or static pages for blogging website

I am new to web development and I am developing a Blogging website. While working on its architecture from the SEO point of view, I came across a problem that whether I should create a seperate page ...
Aayush Goyal's user avatar
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Should I submit both mobile and desktop domain names for indexing on non-responsive sites or is that bad for SEO?

I have a desktop version of my site using and a mobile version using Should I treat them as one site and only submit the desktop version along with its sitemap and ...
andres felipe jaimes sanchez's user avatar
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Cookie-based A/B testing on same URL - SEO impact?

we'll run a domain-wide A/B test comparing our old design with our new responsive design. Though the content itself remains almost unchanged, the code structure and especially the design differ much. ...
Thomas's user avatar
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Crawl errors for pdf download links in my website

We are building a local business classified website which has about 6000 unique listingsunder huge number of categories and sub-categories. For each listing there is a details page in which we have ...
satish k's user avatar
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Notify search engine crawlers about user generated content so that our rankings are not biased by keywords used by users

Is there a meta tag or a way to notify crawlers that a page is generated by the user? To clarify the issue, We have a website already promoted by SEO and we want to add dynamic user generated content ...
Shahar Galukman's user avatar
2 votes
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Search engines that index your site despite a disallow in robots.txt

Recently, WordPress changed their options from "Block search engines" to "Discourage search engines" So that leaves me wondering, that rewording must be that some search engines disregard your ...
Fredy31's user avatar
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Opening forum for search engine bots and SEO

We develop and sell components for other software developers through our website. The main products are ActiveX and WinFroms.NET grid controls. Some years ago we established a forum dedicated to our ...
Tecman's user avatar
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Using Ajax #! for Google but site is not being crawled any more

Our pages used to be formulated using the ? string but since we changed to AJAX loading we now use #!, for example: Old link: /post.php?idPost=5326 New link: /post.php#!idPost=5326 The snapshot you ...
Centarius's user avatar
4 votes
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Google Webmaster Tools reports fake 404 errors

I have a website where Google Webmaster Tools reports 15,000 links as 404 errors. However, all links return a 200 when I visit them. The problem is, that eventhough I can visit these pages and return ...
Edgar Quintero's user avatar
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Does google crawl css scripts to check of hidden content [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: hidden texts and page rank Does googlebot crawl CSS scripts to determine if content is hidden or not? If so, is it advisable to hide or not to hide content to improve on the ...
Jimmy Obonyo Abor's user avatar
5 votes
5 answers

What measures can be taken to make sure Google is aware of the existence of a newly created page?

Consider a website with a large number of pages. New pages are published regularly. When publishing a new page the website operator wants to get the newly created paged crawled/indexed in Google as ...
knorv's user avatar
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Should I strategically use NoFollow on internal links to make our indexing crawl more efficient?

We have a well designed internal linking system that makes certain no page is more than four pages deep, and the indexing process has gone well for us. However, in addition to the hierarchical page ...
Chris Adragna's user avatar
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Possible reasons RSS generated content won't index

I built a digg-like clone at Google crawled the site, but only indexed about 21 pages out of the 2,000 or so (and growing) pages on the site. We use rss feeds to find and ...
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