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Migrating Wordpress to Hugo (or generic markdown)

I have a blog which I want to migrate from Wordpress to Hugo. The problem is that the blog has a lot of posts which contain code examples, including HTML code. I'm using Codecolorer as Wordpress ...
tim's user avatar
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"Featured image" on Jekyll causing Google not to index text of page

I am using Notepad theme on a Jekyll powered blog hosted on Github pages. The theme has an option to set "Featured Images". This basically means when you open a post, a big image (the featured image) ...
Saurabh Shrivastava's user avatar
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How to have a blog post in Jekyll parse markdown code with ```java instead of {% highlight java %}

I would like it to parse standard markdown as parsed in github. I don't like the special syntax of {% highlight java %}. I understand it can parse textile and markdown but I don't get how to change ...
Jas's user avatar
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How to include the contents of a markdown page into a post with Jekyll?

I am pretty new to websites with Jekyll hosted on Github, and I was wondering if there was a neat way to include the contents of a markdown page (say this one) into a post (say this one) in order to ...
stragu's user avatar
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How to have Gitlab display a Markdown document as source?

For our current project, we have Markdown source files which aren't acting as project documentation (such as a but rather as the source of the project itself. It would be very helpful if I ...
Tim Clemons's user avatar
10 votes
1 answer

Which wikis have MarkDown support? [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: Which Content Management System (CMS) should I use? There exist a MarkDown extension for MediaWiki, but it is very buggy. Does anyone know of wikis that support MarkDown?
Sandra Schlichting's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

WYSIWYG editor that outputs to markdown

Is there a WYSIWYG editor that outputs markdown?
fread2281's user avatar
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How have you found Markdown for writers/editors working on articles? [closed]

I am a web developer putting together a system for writers/editors to efficiently add — fairly rich — content to a website. I've previously used standard WYSIWYG editors but find that often what you ...
Ad Taylor's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Change administrator editor

Is it possible to change the default administration editor in Joomla 1.5? I've tried installing Textile and Markdown editors, but those are only installed for on page editing and not in ...
Robert Koritnik's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

free blog hoster with markdown support?

I lastly thought about starting a personal blog. Since I'm not really sure on how active I'll be, I don't want to invest too much time or money in starting this. Thus, I would like to use some free ...
Paŭlo Ebermann's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

What to choose for a multilingual site with support for Markdown and commenting

I want to publish articles at a multilingual site. I want to be able to write an article in two languages and have them available on separate URLs:
Deleted's user avatar
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2 answers

Markdown (or Textile) editor for Joomla

I wonder whether there's any markdown editor similar to one used on StackExchange sites that's pluggable into Joomla CMS? Regular users tend to use rich WYSIWYG as they use Word. They set too many ...
Robert Koritnik's user avatar