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How to block a spam bot .htaccess proper formatting?

I have downloaded my access log file from my cPanel and found I have a bot I would like to stop. In the access log, there User-Agent string reads the following; - - [08/May/2014:23:29:...
user3619183's user avatar
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Is it a good practice to block spam bots by IP ranges?

I'm getting too many hits on my website from Yandex. It doesn't obey robots.txt and by some way it can bypass .htaccess rules. So I'm thinking to block all Yandex IP ranges in my system firewall. Is ...
Mina Hafzalla's user avatar
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spam referers bypass htaccess rules [duplicate]

Here is a sample code I'm using in .htaccess to block spam referers: RewriteEngine On RewriteCond %{HTTP_REFERER} ^http://.*buttons-for-your-website\.com/ [NC,OR] RewriteCond %{HTTP_REFERER} ^http://....
Mina Hafzalla's user avatar