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Questions tagged [dash]

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3 votes
1 answer

Can prefixing a dash reduce the search engine rating?

If I prefix a dash to GUIDs in my URLs on my Web site, in this manner: Will my SEO rating be affected? Background: On my site, people can look up ...
KajMagnus's user avatar
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How does Unicode hyphen character wind up in URL request?

I've had this rare situation (19 times in the past year, so not a lot) where a 404 turns up an attempted URL that appears to be valid, but differs from the actual URL in that the actual URL has one or ...
Charles Belov's user avatar
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1 answer

Using dash in folder names and linking for image

I have image folders where I use dashes in the name for example: "images/01-12-2011/example.jpg" When I insert this image into my html. Internet explorer(9) shows the image but Firefox and chrome ...
nacon's user avatar
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