I have primary domain (https://example.com) and subdomain (http://subdomain.example.com). I have domain-level SSL certificate installed for primary domain (TLD). And I want access my subdomain via HTTP not HTTPS (I don't want to buy another SSL for subdomain because it is for testing purpsoses). But accessing subdomain always redirects to TLD and address bar remains as https://sudomain.example.com but actually requesting main site https://example.com. So, even if I type http://subdomain.example.com I'm forcebly redirected to https://subdomain.example.com seeing content of https://example.com.

How to avoid this redirection and get my subdomain site work?

Tech. specs: IIS 8.5, ASP.NET MVC 5, hosting space (arvixe.com)

  • I do not know IIS anymore- it has been well over a decade, but this has to be a setting issue. I will up-vote this question to get you some attention. But we will need more information on your set-up, though I am not sure what we would need to give guidelines.
    – closetnoc
    Commented Feb 25, 2015 at 15:13
  • @closetnoc, thank you for support. Yes, it is configuration issue. The thing is I should create A-record in DNS settings of TLD. That A-record should map to shared hoster IP not to TLD IP and should contain subdomain part, for eg. subdomain A I think it is an answer but I shy to answer my own question.
    – kokosda
    Commented Feb 26, 2015 at 13:33
  • Hey! If it answers your question, then that is the answer. I encourage you to answer the question if/when you are sure it worked and then ping me- I will up-vote it!! Jump in. The water is warm! ;-)
    – closetnoc
    Commented Feb 26, 2015 at 15:14

1 Answer 1


It was configuration issue. The thing is I should create A-record in DNS settings of TLD. That A-record should map to shared hoster IP not to TLD IP and should contain subdomain part, for eg. subdomain A

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