We currently have a site that displays information about our products, the product is known by a different name and has different branding in different states within the same country. This product information is the same across each state, the branding (logos and names) are the only difference. Our current site has a single url and page for the product across all states. This is causing us to rank very low when it comes to searches on the state specific branding of our product.
We are planning to update our site to have urls that represent the branding for each state. Example 'product/brand-name-1', 'product/brand-name-2' and so on. The urls will point to a page that has almost the same content with only the product name (test) and the product logo (image) changing.
Will having multiple url's pointing at content with only slight differences affect out search ranking?
What is the correct method to handle similar content with slight variants?
I understand that Google and other search engines treat multiple url's to the same or similar content badly.