I'm currently building a project, and I'm writing the site using HTML5 and CSS3. I have validated the HTML and it passed first time (very pleased as it was my first time coding HTML5!). And then I went to validate the CSS. It failed validation. The validator indicated that the browser specific attributes in my code (gradient properties for use in Mozilla, Webkit, and Opera) had failed the validation.
This leaves me in a bit of a catch 22 situation. I would like both the HTML and CSS to validate, but the whole point of using CSS3 for me was so that I could use gradients without cutting up images, as well as rounded corners. I have included the standard CSS3 rule for gradients and rounded corners, but as the new best and brightest browsers don't yet fully support it, I feel I should use these browser fixes.
Should I ignore the validation result? Would it make a difference to my site on a usability and SEO point of view?