I'm having to use a 3rd party CMS and I cannot change the contents of the h3 (or the h3 itself)
I've not had too much dealing with "cufon" - presume its an old fashioned way of using a specific font. I'm guessing it's not legit HTML so not indexed.
Therefore I wanted to include the page's header in an H1
<span class="someClassDictatingTheFontToUse">
<cufon class="cufon cufon-canvas" alt="Alternative text " style="..inline styles..">
<canvas width="73" height="18" style="..inline styles.."></canvas>
<cufontext>Page </cufontext></cufon><cufon class="cufon cufon-canvas" alt="Page" style="..inline styles..">
<canvas width="76" height="18" style="..inline styles.."></canvas>
<!-- im proposing this -->
<h1 class="offthepage_or_verysmall">Page Content</h1>
<p>This is my content etc</p>
.offthepage { margin-left:-10000px; position:absolute}
.verysmall { height:1px, position:absolute; left:1px; etc }
Would the page be penalised (from SE indexing perspective) for that?
or is there a more robust / SE friendly way of doing it without it being consider keyword stuffing?