You need to ensure the price, review or availability markup is within the parent product schema as opposed to the offer details of item 1.
For example:-
<div itemscope itemtype="">
<span itemprop="brand">ACME</span> <span itemprop="name">Executive
<img itemprop="image" src="anvil_executive.jpg" />
<span itemprop="description">Sleeker than ACME's Classic Anvil, the
Executive Anvil is perfect for the business traveler
looking for something to drop from a height.
Category: <span itemprop="category" content="Hardware > Tools > Anvils">Anvils</span>
Product #: <span itemprop="identifier" content="mpn:925872">
<span itemprop="review" itemscope itemtype="">
<span itemprop="rating">4.4</span> stars, based on <span itemprop="count">89
</span> reviews
<span itemprop="offerDetails" itemscope itemtype="">
Regular price: $179.99
<meta itemprop="currency" content="USD" />
$<span itemprop="price">119.99</span>
(Sale ends <time itemprop="priceValidUntil" datetime="2020-11-05">
5 November!</time>)
Available from: <span itemprop="seller">Executive Objects</span>
Condition: <span itemprop="condition" content="used">Previously owned,
in excellent condition</span>
<span itemprop="availability" content="in_stock">In stock! Order now!</span>
Notice how itemtype
'Product' contains itemprop
'Review`. You need to include one of these in the product itemtype.