There's two problems that I can see, one that your response headers are reporting the images as plain/text.
Below is one of your images processing as text/plain:
Accept-Ranges bytes
Connection Keep-Alive
Content-Length 74107
Content-Type text/plain
Date Wed, 24 Apr 2013 20:11:35 GMT
Keep-Alive timeout=5, max=75
Last-Modified Sat, 20 Apr 2013 13:07:37 GMT
This is what the content type should be processing as:
Content-Type image/jpeg
However this is likely because you are not using an extension on the image names, I recommend you use *.jpg or add the non-extension to caching.
Additionally as Wing Tang Wong as mentioned the images look damaged, I assume that you downloaded the files using FTP or SSH and then manually uploaded them using FTP or some other file manager. I strongly recommend that you zip the files on the original server then download the zip and upload the zip and then have the new server uncompress the files, this way if the zip is damaged it won't unzip (or least it shouldn't) and if it does then you know the images are intact.