Good Day:

We are implementing AwStat in our IIS Servers and after reading the documentation and browsing some googled results, we still have questions... so where's the best site for asking them? hehe :)

  • IIS Log configuration. Awstat is very specific in what you must "check" and what not to check, but it gives no reason for that... will it work correctly with more fields?

  • If we configure both sc-bytes and cs-bytes... Will it duplicate the info? I think both fields are useful.

  • The same server redirect by Tomcat Conector to three different contents (/blabla /blablo2 /bleble)... ¿What will you do to get different statics of them? Awtstats can't filter by 'cs-uri-stem' filter...

Thanks in advance.


3 Answers 3


It's not duplicate information since cs-bytes and sc-bytes are different.

  • SC-Bytes = Server to Client Bytes (Outbound Sent Information)
  • CS-Bytes = Client to Server Bytes (Inbound Received Information)
  • Thanks. I was worried about that. The problem is that we considerer both useful, but seems awstats only use one. Commented Feb 20, 2013 at 7:42
  • Go with received as this will stat people surfing the website while the outbound is for data sent which isn't very useful. Commented Feb 20, 2013 at 12:24

Awstats is very flexible about how it parses your log files. It uses a configuration parameter called LogFormat to know the format your log files. If you log additional fields, you would have to modify your LogFormat configuration to let awstats know what the extra fields mean.

The official documentation for LogFormat is here: http://awstats.sourceforge.net/docs/awstats_faq.html#PERSONALIZEDLOG Here is an article about it that is formatted better and easier to understand than the official documentation: http://www.internetofficer.com/awstats/log-format/

  • I checked both yesterday, and again today with more "deep" but seems that Awtstat has no way to use cs-bytes. All examples and parameters refer to sc-bytes. thanks. Commented Feb 20, 2013 at 7:48

Why do you implement Awstats into IIS? It is better to install it by means of Plesk and them use the statistics program via Plesk panel.

  • Well, the web is mainly in the intranet, we thought that get some stadistics will be "nice" but we dont really need a very big system like plesk... We have some apache too, and awtats can be configured to both... Commented Feb 20, 2013 at 7:43

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