We have a small community for our university students. There we provide some tutorials and other stuff that may help students to accomplish their task better.
The catch is I think our traffic is abnormally high! We only have 2000 visits per day at its best (for the last 3 month we have had something around 1500 visits per day - more info here). Having this said, our monthly traffic has been ranging from 30 Gigabytes for our first month to 70 Gigabytes for the last month and now 322 Gigabytes for the past 16 days of the new month!
I checked the awstats figures and found that 98% of this traffic is for partial contents . Now my question are:
- Having said all this about our community and its size, is this abnormal?
- How can we get more information on the contents being downloaded on our community site?
- In case it is abnormal and abusive how can we avoid it?