I am planning to have my own website and would like to ask some questions regarding about the organization (I don't know if this is the right term for it) of domain names. Let me give an example:
If I have a domain named “www.joe.com” but is planning to have different websites or categories for my varied interests but would still retain the “joe” name on my domain, would it be better to have a sub-domain instead? Is that it? Is this what would turn out:
www.joe.com = my main site
bookworm.joe.com = a blog for my love of books
travel.joe.com = a blog for my travel experience
food.joe.com = a blog for my love of food and cuisine
I also notice that there are other websites that are like this: (this is just an example, but you get the idea)
www.personname.com = main site
www.personname.com/blog = a blog for his site ( is this a subdomain now)
Everytime you go to the www.personname.com, you are then redirected to the www.personname.com/blog address. Is it safe to say that the blog address is a sub-domain and for blogging only and then the www.personname.com is the main site? What is the difference of this approach compared to the first example I've given above?