I've been searching all over the Internet and am having trouble finding the following:

  • An online code editor (with syntax highlighting, line numbers, etc.) that allows you to save the file in the "cloud" and access the raw file via a link.

I'm trying to use LESS from http://lesscss.org on my SquareSpace website, but it requires you to use a <link href="..." /> tag instead of dropping the less directly in <style> tags in my site.

Anyone have any suggestions?


  • 1
    Probably belongs to programmers.stackexchange.com
    – Mrchief
    Commented Jul 7, 2011 at 3:25
  • @Mrchief - Haven't been active on SO in a while. Didn't realize there was a better site. Thanks for the suggestion :-)
    – Topher Fangio
    Commented Jul 7, 2011 at 12:48

2 Answers 2


Okay so I think I understand here. http://pastebin.com/ is an excellent website that I use. The code can be public or private and it has syntax highlighting for many languages.

Hope that helped!

  • Thanks so much! I don't know why I didn't think of that before! I actually use GitHub gists and forgot they have the ability to grab the raw file as well.
    – Topher Fangio
    Commented Jul 7, 2011 at 12:46
  • Yeah GitHub is cool, quite like it, but the origional Pastebin is my fave :) Glad I could help. Commented Jul 7, 2011 at 12:50
  • FYI - For anyone reading this in regards to using LESS: this solution doesn't work since LESS actually loads the .less file via AJAX; which means it must be on the same server as your site due to the Cross Domain Policy. My solution: View Page Source, copy/paste it into an index.html file and have my <link> tag point at a local styles.less file. Hope this helps some future soul :-)
    – Topher Fangio
    Commented Jul 7, 2011 at 13:02

JsFiddle allows to write HTML, CSS and JavaScript and run the generated page.

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