I bought a domain from Bluehost and added A record pointing to my VPS IP at my domain registrar. I don't know what is virtual host? and how to configure it? and why should we configure it?
I am Junior Backend Developer and I want to learn servers and hostings also. So I bought both domain and server from same service so it was not that much difficult. That's why I bought domain from another service and VPS from another service.
Now I'm going to create a WordPress on my VPS and want to add domain to my WordPress site. add domain to VPS site and also how to add multiple domains in multiple sites hosted in single VPS,
records point? Where did you add theA
record? What web server are you running on the VPS? How have you configured the virtual hosts on it?NS
records pointing at my VPS IP address. 2. I added theA
record in my dns management zone which is in my domain registrant login 3. I have to install Apache server for making wordpress site. 2 days back i installed but then i changed os and tried so i ahve to install again 4. I am not sure whether I configured virtual host or not i dont know about it pls iam a newbie please teachNS
records should point to the name servers of your DNS host, not to your VPS IP address. TheA
records at your DNS host should then point to your VPS IP address. Can you say which company you are using for your DNS host? Can you edit your question to add screenshots of this configuration?