My website doesn't appear in Google for the relevant keyword. The keyword is "psychotherapy" in conjunction with the name of the town where I pracise (e.g. "psychotherapy barcelona").
Let me describe my case:
I offer psychotherapy. Where I live, all psychotherapists are legally required to offer the exact same service, and this service is payed for by health insurance (not by the patients themselves). Therefore, for patients searching for a psychotherapist, there is no competitive price difference or difference in the services that are offered. Where I live, there is also an extreme lack of psychotherapists. Patients have to wait for up to several years to find a place, depending on their circumstances. Consequently, the only relevant information that patients need is:
- that there is a psychotherapist
- the therapist's contact data
- (for some patients, a photo of the therapist)
Consequently, my website contains:
- my name and contact data
- times when I am available on the telephone to make an appointment
- an image of myself
- some legally required information
My website is registered with Google Business, has been verified, and is said to be listed on Google Maps and in Google Search. My website is also indexed and can be found in Google Search when I search for my name.
But my website does not appear in Google Search or on Google Maps when I search for the only relevant keyword ("psychotherapy"). The town I live in is small and the relevant search returns 14 pages of results. My site appears on none of these sites and not on the map, no matter how fare I zoom in. The keyword appears on my site:
- in the URL (it is part of my domain name)
- the home page title
- on the home page three times
As this would be irrelevant to my patients, my home page does not contain any longer texts. I also don't have any inbound links, but neither do most of the other therapists in my town that appear in results (I checked using "link:...").
What do I need to do to get listed under my keyword?
And seriously, since this is a non-competitive market (where demand is disproportionately higher than supply) it is a huge disadvantage to patients if they cannot find me. Every therapist is needed. It is an absolute tragedy that Google does not offer a simple keyword related listing in health fields (the situation is similar for physicians, where patients have to wait months to get treated).