In terms of cache optimization it is recommended for static files like images to cache them forever. In this case if you want to update an image you have to use a different file name so that the client browser downloads the new image instead of showing the cached one.

Situation 1

I don't cache image files. So if I update the file myimage.png the file name remains the same.

Situation 2

I cache image files forever. That's why I use a hash in the file name.

File name before update: myimage.a1b2c3.png

File name after update: myimage.d4e5f6.png


Am I right that file names without hashes are way better in terms of SEO?

  • Do you expect to update images after a certain time? If so, what could be a tentative timeframe?
    – Kannan
    Commented Jun 11, 2021 at 10:57
  • Yes, there might be updated images after an uncertain time. Commented Jun 11, 2021 at 11:46

1 Answer 1


On a long-term basis, I don't think there will be any differences in SEO impact (image-SEO) between the above two methods.

But, there could be short-term SEO impacts when changing filenames during updates.

Google is known to remove non-existent resources from the index after some delay (you can call it a grace period). Whenever you update an image, Google could take some time between de-indexing the old one and indexing the new one.

My suggestion is this:

Maintain filenames (to prevent short term SEO impacts mentioned earlier) with appropriate cache-control headers (for better user experience). You can set the max-age to a reasonable time depending upon a tentative update time in the future and can add must-revalidate directive. By this, whenever an image changes, the browser would pick the latest from the server. Otherwise, guided by max-age, the browser can use the cached copy.

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