I'd like to redirect my webpage to another webpage. I used a template to develop the website and I couldn't read the code on this page. Could anyone tell me what does the code below means?

--- layout: archive title: "News" permalink: /news/ author_profile: true --- {% include base_path %} {% for post in site.news reversed %} {% include archive-single.html %} {% endfor %} 

Here is the meta tag I plan to insert. Could anyone please tell me where in the above code could I insert the meta tag below?

<meta http-equiv="Refresh" content="0; url='https://www.w3docs.com'" />

1 Answer 1


To code you asked about is not html - I assume its part if some kind if framework and is its own scripting language/pseudo language.

--- layout: archive title: "News" permalink: /news/ author_profile: true --- 
{% include base_path %} 
{% for post in site.news reversed %} 
      {% include archive-single.html %}
{% endfor %} 

The pseudocode appears to include other files / text, including gloopong through posts and displaying them. Without knowing the framework/language its not possible to be certain, but I would back up the existing page and replace everything with just the redirect meta tag you wrote and see if that works.

  • I see. Thanks! I will try that!
    – LCheng
    Commented Jan 7, 2021 at 20:13

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