I have a Joomla/Shopware For an eCommerce website, but I see some problems and I think google didnt crawl pages:
{block name="frontend_robots_txt_user_agent"} User-agent: * {/block}
{block name="frontend_robots_txt_disallows"} Disallow: {url controller=compare fullPath=false}
Disallow: {url controller=checkout fullPath=false}
Disallow: {url controller=register fullPath=false}
Disallow: {url controller=account fullPath=false}
Disallow: {url controller=address fullPath=false}
Disallow: {url controller=note fullPath=false}
Disallow: {url controller=widgets fullPath=false}
Disallow: {url controller=listing fullPath=false}
Disallow: {url controller=ticket fullPath=false} {/block}
{block name="frontend_robots_txt_allows"} Allow: {url module=widgets controller=emotion fullPath=false} {/block}
{block name="frontend_robots_txt_sitemap"} Sitemap: {url controller=index}sitemap_index.xml {/block}
Will be removed in 5.6 without alternative
*} {block name="frontend_robots_txt_sitemap_mobile"}{/block}
Is there any problem here with this files? I'm so strange with these lines.
, or is it the content of the template file in the backend?robots.txt
file, not the template file. The template file is relevant if you want to change something, but search engines will of course never see this template file, only the generated file.