I made the mistake of clicking the button in WHM to migrate from Easy Apache 3 to EA4 and now I am receiving a 500 error when I try to visit my site. What have I broken and how can I troubleshoot the problem? I have tried restarting httpd and restarting the server. I checked the .htaccess file and it is still in place. I am running Apache 2.4 on a Centos6 server platform.
1 Answer
Checked error logs using:
tail /usr/local/apache/logs/error_log
Logs indicated "SoftException in Application.cpp:267: File "/home/mywebsite/public_html/myfile.php" is writeable by group
A web search revealed an article here with this suggestion:
This is due to the server running SuPHP and the files having higher permissions than allowed, to fix this problem you need to make sure your files are chmod 644 for all PHP based files and 755 for directories in order for them to work with SuPHP.You can easily do this by connecting via FTP with Filezilla and right clicking on the problem folders and files and selecting file permissions.
I changed the permissions on the problem file from 664 to 644 and the problem was resolved.