Until recently, all the sites I've worked on have used the standard go to Google Analytics, copy the code, paste the code in a header file. But recently, a business acquaintance asked me about a problem with Google Analytics on her Wix site.
When I went to View Source to see if the code was even there, the only thing I could find was var googleAnalytics = "UA-109642176"; So, I'm guessing that Wix has a different process, but I can't tell what it is.
I have two guesses: 1. The code is in the block of JavaScript with a lot of encryption. 2. They are running Google Analytics globally from the server.
It seems that the only channel to ask questions is to post on Facebook, which I did. The answer was a link to a page that doesn't say much.
Update: Part of the example I gave has an incorrect pattern for the Google Analytics code. This error is what set me to looking at the code for the Wix site (I don't generally work on Wix sites). But, the question is actually about the fact that the rest of the typical Google Analytics setup is missing and how does Wix run Google Analytics.