We have a web application we will be launching soonish and for right now we just have one SSL/HTTPS certificate. We have this one certificate shared across 3 servers(in a cluster for load balancing) which we've been told is "not the right way"...

So do you always have to buy N certificates for N servers or is there a special "shared" certificate or such? Why is it not right to share the certificate when these 3 servers are exactly the same hardware and software?

3 Answers 3


Have a look at this question:



Yes, you can use same SSL Certificate in the different server, if they are serving for a single domain. Like in IIS server, once you configure the SSL. They provide a SSL configure export option, and once you export the configure file you can upload the same file in similar and related server.


I googled your question and got this forum to be useful for this question http://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/zh/winservergen/thread/41dcf6f0-06a7-4722-af70-cd73849e6a40

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