I own example.com, example.net, example.co, example.info etc. of my brand. (13 tld/cctld/gtld in total).
I need a wordpress blog, a status page (https://www.statuspage.io/) and my main website. My main website is coded from the scratch and is mostly static. My main website is on a server managed by a known server management company and I trust them to maintain the security of the server.
My Questions -
1) Should I use example.blog or blog.example.com ? Or use example.com/blog and proxy(ProxyPass in apache) it to another server. Wordpress cannot and will not be on the same server as my main website as I see it like a time bomb (security wise). I'm not wise enough to maintain and keep-up with its security problems. I will obviously read some tutorials on what to do and what not to do, but you get my point.
2) My status page should be example.info or status.example.com ? Considering cloudflare has https://www.cloudflarestatus.com/ and not status.cloudflare.com.
Please tell me what's healthy SEO wise.