I found an answer at Google Developer Docs. Short version:
You define your tests, implement Googles test code and your variations.
<!-- Load the Content Experiment JavaScript API client for the experiment -->
<script src="//www.google-analytics.com/cx/api.js?experiment=YOUR_EXPERIMENT_ID"></script>
// Ask Google Analytics which variation to show the user.
var chosenVariation = cxApi.chooseVariation();
And your code for variations:
<!-- Load the JQuery library -->
<script src="//ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.0.0/jquery.min.js"></script>
// Define JavaScript for each page variation of this experiment.
var pageVariations = [
function() {}, // Original: Do nothing. This will render the default HTML.
function() { // Variation 1: Banner Image
document.getElementById('banner').src = 'bay-bridge.jpg';
function() { // Variation 2: Sub-heading Text
document.getElementById('heading').innerHTML = 'Look, a Bridge!';
function() { // Variation 3: Button Text
document.getElementById('button').innerHTML = 'Learn more';
function() { // Variation 4: Button Color
document.getElementById('button').className = 'button button-blue';
// Wait for the DOM to load, then execute the view for the chosen variation.
// Execute the chosen view
And be sure to fire a pageview after this, so that all the data are send to Google.