About six months ago, a friend opened her second store (in a village adjacent to that of her first store). Both stores have their own Google+ profiles, with appropriate address/contact information. Consequently:

  1. a Google Search for her brand name + the desired village name yields (on the right of Google's search results) a map, photo and contact details of the correct store;

  2. a Google Search for her brand name + "near foo" (where "foo" is pretty much anything local) yields a local map showing the locations of both stores;

  3. a Google Maps Search for only her brand name yields a local map showing the locations of both stores; but

  4. a Google Search for only her brand name yields a map, photo and contact details of only the first store.

The first three are the desired behaviour; however the fourth is obviously undesirable—a local map showing the locations of both stores (à la the second example above) would be preferable.

Can she do anything to fix this?

  • Do you have microdata in your website and what type of microdata? Local business or Organization?
    – ePetkov
    Commented Jul 30, 2015 at 14:07
  • I figured this was just how it worked, Google's decision to just pick one. Do you see this working for other businesses commonly?
    – mikato
    Commented Jul 31, 2015 at 19:38
  • @mikato: absolutely, yes—searching just for the name of most other multiple-site businesses returns a map of nearby locations, rather than selecting just one.
    – eggyal
    Commented Jul 31, 2015 at 19:52
  • can you give the brand name + location, so we can recreate the problem?
    – ePetkov
    Commented Aug 3, 2015 at 11:00
  • Does one of the g+ profiles use the website name, ie plus.google.com/+ExampleCom? And how long has the new store had a g+ page, and what is in the title and description of the stores website? Meta tags may also be linking to one rather than both stores.
    – Mousey
    Commented Aug 3, 2015 at 15:56

3 Answers 3


I found that using Google+ Pages to manage business listings caused this to happen for a client as well. Switching them over to Google My Business Locations fixed the problem. Also, verifying the locations with Google helps a great deal, either via phone or post.


I had the same problem for 8 months. I created a thread here since it seemed like the only place that had a valuable community and data.

The main takeaways in my scenario were:

  1. "...this will be resolved soon on its own. Google normally puts GMB listings on a filter for 1 - 1.5 years. Not that they don't rank, they do, just not as well as they could."
  2. "It can be sped up with SEO theoretically, business listings, online reviews, etc."

I hope this helps


In this case I think it would be best if she used Google My Business Locations to manage her locations instead of individual pages.

Scenario #1

You are getting the desired result because you are actually including the brand name plus the village name where it is located in the query.

Scenario #2 & #3

In both cases it returns the desired results because you are not actually giving a specific location.

Scenario #4

Here is my reasoning into why it does not display both locations. I am assuming the business name is the same on both Google pages...if that is the case in scenario Google sees it as a duplicate listing and only returns one. Using Google My Business Locations you give each location a store number that indicates to Google they should appear as two separate results search results. How Google makes that distinction on which location to serve I can only speculate.

I ran into a similar problem with a client who had locations in multiple states.

  • 1
    Thank you, I shall look into this when I'm back in front of a computer (am on holiday with just my phone atm)—although from recollection, I think my previous research threw up that Google My Business Locations was now little more than creating a Google+ profile with location data (which she has already done)?
    – eggyal
    Commented Aug 6, 2015 at 8:05

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