I own a domain klokaffar.se but it doesn't go anywhere if I don't put in www.klokaffar.se. The site is hosted from Google App Engine with a CNAME for the www. Now I want the naked domain to redirect to www but I don't know how to do it. I received this email from my support but I don't know what IP addresses to use for google appengine since I used a CNAME to begin with. Previously there were some IP numbers that we could use, but I don't know what they are. Can you help me? Are the A records the values at this page?
To redirect the domain klokaffar.se to the website on www.klokaffar.se you need to add a name. Please follow this instruction to add a pointer from your domain towards your IP-address: http://www.active24.co.uk/support/content/122/81221/en/how-to-add-an-a_record.html.