This is a good question and I'm glad to hear you're online again, but as requested i'll dig into this scenario a bit deeper.
OK firstly, like many elements online you need to keep the latency of requests as low as possible, this includes dns lookups.
By relaying your dns information in a long chain using many providers you will increase the points of failure, add increased latency / complexity to your domains dns configuration.
You should normally only have two steps in your dns information
New visitor requests a lookup for, the server uses the nameservers to find the place where it can locate the dns information.
normally something like and
These name servers hold information like your sites A records which tell the requesting client which ip address your site resides on.
Again, continuing this chain by adding records that point to other servers which hold different records, continuing the flow of information will work but it's something that shouldn't be done.
Using the domain providers dns and adding records where required is a good idea, but if you're using cpanel using your hosts name servers will do everything automatically for you, such as you add a subdomain - cPanel will create the required dns entries for you automatically, whereas using your domain providers dns requires you to login and add the records manually. Both are great examples of how to configure your name servers.
Now that we understand why your current setup isn't such a great idea back to the multi ip question.
There is no issue with using many ip addresses for your website, I run many dual load balanced websites that show the two ip addresses of the load balancers, which in turn have five web servers under each load balancer. This assumes that the ip addresses have a neutral or good reputation and have not been blacklisted. You can check with a quick Google search for "ip blacklist checker".
The only time I've seen dns cause seo issues was when it was mis-configured and didn't allow google to crawl as it couldn't be resolved.
Your dns server is as important as your web server, if your dns service is offline or is mis-configured then it's only a matter of time before your website will stop resolving and visitors will be unable to find you, if google is unable to visit your site this may affect your Google rank as your new content won't be indexed. However, even the large players run into issues, I remember godaddy's dns getting attacked last year bringing thousands of sites down for hours maybe even days.
As a side note, two or more ip's being configured in your dns is fine, but you need to make sure you redirect the requests to your domain name, you don't want content being shown/served when you visit your ip addresses directly becasuse it will look like duplicate content to Google and this may hurt your seo efforts.
This is normally solved with a simple entry to your htaccess file.
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