I've got a web site which for historical reasons has two or three pages that appear closely in serps for any given search term.
The site is a spanish language site with two different but related domains, capital-federal.enbuenosaires.com.ar
and www.enbuenosaires.com
An example would be the search term: "propiedades en venta en almagro" (properties for sale in almagro).
PR1 - SERP 1 Position 3: http://www.enbuenosaires.com/almagro-ventas.html
PR1 - SERP 1 Position 6: http://capital-federal.enbuenosaires.com.ar/m-almagro/departamentos-ventas-es_AR.html
This is one isolated example but there are many (thousands) of pages some appearing high up, some further down in the SERPs.
The pages in the www.enbuenosaires.com
page are newer (since 2013) and updated in real time.
The page in the capital-federal.enbuenosaires.com.ar
domain heavily interlink to each other and are older (have been around since 2007) and are updated weekly.
Many of the pages seem to have reasonable PR (0,1,2) and have been indexed without a problem.
My question is what should I do? My feeling is that I should reduce the number of pages in order to "distill" and concentrate page rank within the site and thus appear higher in the SERPs.
Things which occur to me are:
- prune the site (remove one of the pages) and 301 from one of the pages to the other
- prune the site (remove one of the pages) and 301 to a central "sitemap" page with links to the "canonical" landing pages
- generally reduce the pages via 301 to the home page of
- leave it as it is
Any suggestions or comments with reasoning very welcome.