(Note that I am going to use screenshots here because I suspect writing about this will change the behavior over time.)
If you do a Google search for
uiviewcontroller best practices
either with or without the quotes, you end up with results like this:
Note that none of these pages resolve to the actual Stack Overflow question containing those words in the title. They resolve to either a) sites that are mirroring our creative commons data and correctly pointing back to the source question without nofollow, as properly specified by our attribution requirements or b) our own internal links to the question, but not the actual question itself.
The actual page with the title ...
Custom UIView and UIViewController best practices?
... does exist at this URL ...
... and apparently it is present in Google's index!
But why does it not appear when we search for
uiviewcontroller best practices
We know that
Google contains this page in its index
Our search terms match the title of the question
Stack Overflow has much higher pagerank than the other sites that are mirroring this question under Creative Commons
I don't get it. What are we doing wrong here?