Note: My question is not about JavaScript

Note: My question is how to make the HTML accessible to search engines.

Note: My question is not about hiding texts, is on block loading of images in order to use LazyLoad. Note: Library used in tests: https://github.com/brcontainer/smooth-images-js

I tested various techniques of blocking the loading of images to use effect LazyLoad (I'm developing in JavaScript), was the only efficient <noscript>:

The HTML structure that would, with LazyLoad loading of images is achieved via the viewport (visible part of web page).

<p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,
        <span class="lazyload">
                <noscript><img src="foto-m0101.jpg" alt="image description"></noscript>
        consectetur adipiscing elit.
<p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,
        <span class="lazyload">
                <noscript><img src="foto-m0201.jpg" alt="image description"></noscript>
        consectetur adipiscing elit.
<p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,
        <span class="lazyload">
                <noscript><img src="foto-m0301.jpg" alt="image description"></noscript>
        consectetur adipiscing elit.

When <noscript> with the image is the view-port (visible part of web page).

  • The jquery-plugin gets the DOM: $("span.lazyload").
  • The jquery-plugin checks if the <noscript> <img> is on view-port.
  • The jquery-plugin to create a new Image with Image.onload = function(){}.
  • When the image loaded Image.onload will insert <img> outside the <noscript>.

For clarity. Suppose that only the first <noscript> is the view-port (<noscript><img src="foto-m0101.jpg" alt="image description"></noscript>). After the onload JavaScript will do the HTML:

<p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,
        <span class="lazyload">
                <img src="foto-m0101.jpg" alt="image description">
                <noscript><img src="foto-m0101.jpg" alt="image description"></noscript>
        consectetur adipiscing elit.
<p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,
        <span class="lazyload">
                <noscript><img src="foto-m0201.jpg" alt="image description"></noscript>
        consectetur adipiscing elit.
<p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,
        <span class="lazyload">
                <noscript><img src="foto-m0301.jpg" alt="image description"></noscript>
        consectetur adipiscing elit.

[edit] I believe that Google displays the DOM also modified by JavaScript. Look I used the tool Fetch as Google.

Look at the results:

Without my jquery-plugin and <noscript> (i.e. pure HTML):


With jquery-plugin and <noscript>:


Note: The JavaScript that showcased images and manipulated the DOM.


  • This is a bad practice for search engines (I refer to HTML)?

  • If it is a bad practice, you could put an example of good practice?

  • If there is another question talking about <noscript> with "IMAGES", forgive me.

  • If the JavaScript displays images and Fetch as Google displays the content normally (like the browser) so Google indexes the DOM manipulated by JavaScript?

Note: I did not find any doubts about <noscript> with images.

  • 2
    As the page scrolls, do you manipulate the noscript element in the DOM in order to show the image?
    – MrWhite
    Commented Nov 28, 2012 at 22:14
  • When scrolling the page which is in the view-port will be loaded using javascript-dom. I'll take the elements noscript / img that are in view-port and will get the SRC="" attribute, I will remove the noscript with javascript and instead will only get the IMG (when the image is loaded).
    – Korvo
    Commented Nov 28, 2012 at 22:31

1 Answer 1


I would take a look at this question on SO https://stackoverflow.com/questions/6165643/load-html-then-load-images-using-ajax-in-jquery it has an AJAX lazy load answer and jsfiddle. I would try and avoid using <noscript>

  • The SRC attribute empty is bad. I need something that does not disturb the indexing of images. My question is about indexing images in search engines. It's like I said: My question is not about javascript. Edit your answer please. Thanks.
    – Korvo
    Commented Dec 1, 2012 at 14:39
  • Have you created and submitted an XML Image sitemap?
    – Anagio
    Commented Dec 1, 2012 at 23:16
  • The problem is that maintaining the Sitemap, HTML pages would have to have maintenance manual. Not the best practice at the time.
    – Korvo
    Commented Dec 1, 2012 at 23:21
  • Are you using a CMS?
    – Anagio
    Commented Dec 2, 2012 at 1:34
  • I have several websites, made ​​with php, html, asp-classic, .net (c#). I do not use CMS, I develop from scratch.
    – Korvo
    Commented Dec 2, 2012 at 1:42

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