Possible Duplicate:
Refactoring large/old CSS files
Wondering if anyone knows of a product that would help you to "see" all the css styles currently defined on a page.
For example... Say I'm working on a page and want to create a "leader" css value as a class for a span to make wrap around the first few words of a paragraph to make them bold.
I could do something like...
.leader { font-weight:bold; }
and then...
<p><span class="leader">Four score and seven years ago</span> our Fathers...</p>
I may create this w/out realizing a class called "leadertext" was already defined in a stylesheet on the page. Without either having knowledge of it, or scanning through all the CSS I have I don't know of a way to know what's already set.
Curious if there's some silver bullet I don't know about.