(I hope I asked the question right..)
Fake site
Our site lists products for sale.
eg : http://www.myWebSite.com/products/some-drink-we-love-to-guzzle
Each product page has been translated into a few languages: English(UK), English(US), French, German, Chinese.
Can Google (or any search engine) search our site and be smart enough to 'see' the localised version so people can find our products, if they search for it in their own language?
In my browser i have Chinese set as my default language. I then go to my favorite search engine or a Hong Kong search engine (assumption: it's defaulted to Chinese) and search for a product - in Chinese. The URL is in US English but the page should be found because the content was all in Chinese...
Is this scenario possible? Can we tell search engines to hit my site as say you want french content, or German content, etc.. ?? so it knows to index that content under that language?
Cheers :)