So I have an idea I want to try for a side-business, and it's web-based. I think about names, and find one I like, let's pretend it's wibblewobble.
I check for and it's taken, but there's no site there, just an "Under Construction" page. A whois indicates that the domain has been registered for about 9 years. is available though, and I'm in Ireland, so I can get it. I imagine that after a few months of attentive site management, I should be ahead of the existing .com address.
My fear though is that , should I be in any way successful, others may try to undercut me, and buty the .com to steal traffic from me. Is that a real risk? Do a lot of people automatically use .com, or do people remember tlds?
I've tried contacting the .com domain owner, a private individual, but I've got no answer. I'd pay him a modest price for the domain if he's not using it.