I will explain what happened:
I have this site that ranked first for "estructuras truss":
See Google Result (mail.iddeasp.com/truss-alquiler-y-venta-de-estructuras) iddea sp
Truss: Alquiler y Venta de Estructuras | iddea SP El truss es una estructura de aluminio de diseño moderno y tecnológico con un ... La gran ventaja en el montaje y desmontaje de las estructuras truss es que ...
I've modified this page in order to have "estructuras truss" as an exact phrase... and Google didn't even bother to rank that page.
The new page is
Alquiler Estructura Truss y Venta | iddea SP Estructuras truss: estructuras de aluminio ligeras y económicas. Se alquilan o compran para crear cualquier estructura o montaje efímero: el mejor sistema ...
This page is not listed in even in the top 100 on google.
I got lucky because as I'm using Drupal ... the old page remained somehow in cache and Google still finds it...still it's cached in March and the new page I've created it a week ago, 30th of May..
Anyone know what am I doing wrong?