I found on internet how to calculate how much bandwidth a server consumes to serve X users by streaming the videos.
I found a simple formula and I took YouTube video quality bit-rate values to measure the bandwidth:
Users to one server * Bit rate for the desired quality * Access time
For example: I want to measure the bandwidth I'll need for 100 users for streaming a video at 360p (YouTube video quality) in 1 hour. So,
100 * 750 Kbit/s * 3600 seconds = 135000000 Kbit = 135000 Mbit = 1350 Gbit
I found that some hosting providers measures the bandwidth in TB (Terabytes/month) so I took the previous value: 1350 Gbit, then I converted to GB by dividing 8 bit: 16 GBytes. If a provider says their bandwidth is 4 TB, then would I have plenty one to serve more users? Is it correct?
I know that this formula simplifies several factors but is it the correct ( and simple ) way to calculate the estimated bandwidth? Is the example calculation correct? Please, provide me better details to understand how I can measure the bandwidth.